Are You Waiting on God or…?

Do you feel like your life is in constant waiting mode?

Like those dreams you have from God will never happen?

I understand that waiting can sometimes feel like an eternity. We might wonder why our dreams haven’t materialized yet.

Many times, we think those dreams will come to pass “in God’s timing”, so we’re “just waiting on Him”.

But what if we’re not waiting on God, but rather…

He’s waiting on us?

Could it be that He’s prompting us to take action in preparation for the dreams He has in store?

After all, there’s no point in our dream manifesting right now if we can’t actually handle it.

Is there something that God’s told you to do towards preparing for your dream, but you haven’t done it yet?

If so, then it’s time to act.

Yep, now 😊

If you’re not sure what step to take, maybe it’s time to ask God for some guidance. Find out what that next step is, and then just do it!

There are some things that if we don’t move on them, we’re going to miss out on them.

As I’ve said in many conversations to people about fulfilling their dreams – God can’t steer a parked car!

It’s time to start driving towards your dream, and like the headlights on a car, let the Holy Spirit continually light your path as you move forward.

I don’t want you to miss out and neither does God!

Until next time, remember – God is good…and life should be too!

Have a super week (driving towards your dreams)!


📖 Scripture of the Week

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.

Psalm 119:105 (NIV)

🗨️ Quote of the Week

“God can’t steer a parked car!”

David Peairs
David Peairs

⚡️ Helping people fulfill their God-given calling
I love helping people win in life, because God is good...and life should be too!