Uptight? Here’s God’s Message For You…

The Holy Spirit is wanting me to pass along a message to you. It pertains to a topic that He’s discussed with me in many of my quiet times over the last few years.

And the message is:


You’re letting things get to you that are not a deal.

You don’t have to be uptight about life.

There are things that are going to happen in the world or come against you in your life.

But “Fear not, only believe.”

Shift your faith and trust to Me, not on what’s going on around you.

All is well!


Take a deep breath, let it out, and relax…because you can trust Me.

Please receive this, and then have a conversation with the Holy Spirit about it yourself, to determine if this is an area He wants to work with you in.

Hopefully this relieves some pressure in your life today and for the remainder of your week!


PS – Hey, make sure to remember – God is good…and life should be too!

📖 Scripture of the Week

But Jesus, not heeding the word spoken, saith unto the ruler of the synagogue, Fear not, only believe.

Mark 5:36 (ASV)

🗨️ Quote of the Week

“Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles, it empties today of its strength.”

Corrie ten Boom
David Peairs
David Peairs

⚡️ Helping people fulfill their God-given calling
I love helping people win in life, because God is good...and life should be too!